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Buy Renew Sophos XG Firewall License- Your Ultimate Guide

Sophos XG Firewall provides next-generation firewall security appliances that’s easy to manage and setup, blocking unknown malicious threats, automatically responding to security incidents by isolating the compromised systems, and exposing hidden user, apps, and risks on the network to prevent potential issues and monitors your network. Unlike some of the other firewall companies, Sophos XG firewalls licensing is easier.  In fact, the license for basic firewall functionality is included out of the appliance box, and is perpetual.

Generally many clients enquire about buy renew Sophos XG firewall license, so we have posted a quick guide to Sophos XG firewall licensing in common scenarios.

Understanding Sophos XG Firewall Licenses

1. Basic license

Sophos XG series firewalls include a basic license that covers the network firewall, SSL and IPSec VPN, and wireless protection such as hotspot support but license doesn’t comes under the box. The basic license is limited to the number of CPU cores and gigabytes of RAM that are installed, and this is true for both physical and virtual implementations.  Sophos Firewall Licenses will be coded accordingly, such as 4C6 (4 cores, 6GB) or 6C8 (6 cores, 8GB) which reflects the maximum number of resources the license will cover.  If you add more no. of cores and RAM to an existing 4C6-licensed system then you will need to purchase a new 6C8 license for the firewall to make use of those additional resources.

2. Additional subscriptions

There are many other security products & features business might or might not need beyond the basic firewall capabilities, so they have separate licenses which include:  Web Server Protection, Email Protection (including anti-spam), Web Protection, and Network Protection.

These are the additional security features relevant to the protected assets.  Network Protection can also include Sophos Security Heartbeat protection which is a powerful all-network oversight tool, but that will also require a subscription to Sophos’s Cloud Endpoint Protection system.

3. Bundles

Sophos provides several licensing bundles. Bundles also come along with Sophos Enhanced Support, which extends technical support and equipment replacement, making them a good value.

  • EnterpriseGuard:  Network Protection, Web Protection, Enhanced Support
  • EnterpriseProtect:  Network Protection, Web Protection, Enhanced Support, and one additional security appliance or virtual device.
  • FullGuard:  FullGuard includes all the licenses.  Network Protection, Email Protection, Webserver Protection, Web Protection, and Enhanced Support
  • TotalProtect:  The most expansive bundle, TotalProtect has the full set from FullGuard plus one additional security appliance/ virtual device.

4. Associated Products

Sophos also offers few products or virtual applications which can be added to your existing Sophos XG Firewall appliance. Licensing of these associated product is very simple.

  • Sophos Firewall Manager:  The Sophos Firewall Manager has a perpetual non-expiring license.  Licenses are based on the number of devices to be managed, ranging from 15 to 1,000. Sophos Firewall Manager provides powerful centralized management for all your Sophos Firewalls across multiple customers sites or branch offices – all from a single screen.
  • Cloud Firewall Manager:  The perpetual license for cloud firewall manager is included in the existing cloud services package at no extra charge.
  • Sophos iView:  Sophos iView license  is based on the amount of storage capacity being used. The first 100GB is free, then licenses range from 500GB up to Unlimited use.

Wroffy Can Help You Sort Out Any Sophos Licensing Confusion

Wroffy Technologies have been one of the leading Sophos Partner & reseller am IT security providers in the India, with a base of customers spanning all sectors including government, education and a broad range of SMEs. Contact us today if you have any questions about how to Buy Renew Sophos XG Firewall License.

sophos xg firewall license renewal

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