Trusted Wireless Environment

The world is moving fast, and so are the technologies. Today we have solutions to every problem, and this has become possible with the help of businesses and engineers who have contributed a lot to society and have made our lives easier. Now, we don’t have to wait for the weekends to visit a market and shop grocery from there, as now we have smartphones that are connected to the internet or Wi-Fi, through which we can place our order within seconds. Earlier, wired wi-fi was used, but now, as technology has developed more, wired has been replaced by wireless technologies. Though they have sorted out our lives, they are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Moreover, people who use a public network at coffee shops, restaurants, or parks are more dangerous, as cybercriminals remain active, and no sooner than a user connects to a public wi-fi network, their network gets hacked, and all the sensitive information is gathered by them. Thus, leading you to a problem.

To stop all these wi-fi attacks, Watch Guard and Trusted Wireless Environment come at the rescue, which have the potential to save one from cyberattacks. In this blog, we will discuss all the aspects of a trusted wireless network environment.

What is a Trusted Wireless Environment?

In simple words, a trusted wireless environment refers to a safe and controlled wireless network where only registered users have access to the information of the organization. By implementing this sophisticated framework, organizations ensure 100% security against cyberthreats. It consists of security measures like encryption, strong authentication, and network segmentation. In this way, data breaches are avoided. TWE is mostly used in corporate networks, healthcare facilities, government offices, and all other environments where security is a major concern.

 Most common Wi-Fi Attacks

Everyone loves using free wi-fi, and this invites a major risk to security because none of us can trust those wireless networks. Some of the most common wi-fi attacks are:

  1. Man in the Middle Wi-Fi Attacks:

In this type of cyberattack, the third party interferes between the two participants. The data is not shared directly with the server; rather, it is shared through a link that is connected to another element. This type of attack is more likely to occur when someone uses public Wi-Fi.

  1. Evil Twin

In this type of Wi-Fi attack, cybercriminals try to create a fake access point so that they can catch the personal information of the user that is available through a network. Cybercriminals found this technique easier, and they are able to hack victims’ data successfully.

  1. Rogue access points

It is a type of access point that is added to a user’s network without their knowledge. This creates a situation for hackers to hack all the information when a user is not active. This is one of the most major security concerns that a user can face while using wi-fi networks.

  1. Blue Jacking

It is also an illegal activity that hackers frequently use. Cyberhackers send messages to the victim through Bluetooth. It is possible when a Bluetooth network is available to hackers and is just 10 meters away. After obtaining a file or information through it, it can also be shared with others.

  1. Misconfigured access points

If the Wi-Fi network is not designed properly, it may cause an issue for the user, which will lead to a security disturbance, nil performance, or a connection glitch.

These are the most common types of Wi-Fi attacks that happen, and therefore, a trusted wireless environment protects a network from all these kinds of attacks. Let us study further on which pillars a TWE works.

Pillars of Trusted Wireless Environment

Watchguard Trusted Wireless Environment has protected businesses from cyberthreats, and it has made it easier for businesses to improve their productivity and security. The watchguard TWE works on three main pillars, and those are:

  • Market-leading performance: Businesses that consider security in a lighter way often have to pay a heavy penalty. So, businesses should never compromise on their security.
  • Scalable management: Businesses should deploy a wireless network that can be handled from a single platform so that it becomes easy for the IT administrator to execute strategies.
  • Complete security: TWE is the best solution for protecting your Wi-Fi networks from those six known threats. Business before deploying a wireless network needs proof, but with TWE framework, users need not worry about it as it does not allow any unauthorized user to connect to one’s network.

Top practices to achieve a trusted wireless environment

Though advanced technologies and cybersecurity companies are trying their best to provide you with the appropriate solution against cyberthreats, there are other security measures that one should also take by themselves to avoid wi-fi attacks, and some of those practices are:

  1. Separate the Wi-Fi users and devices by SSID:

All of the departments and devices are dependent on the use of the Wi-Fi network, as none of the tasks of the businesses are carried out without them. So, in such a scenario, it is better to separate or divide the SSID, which is basically the name of the wireless network.

  1. Include a guest Wi-fi network:

By implementing a different guest Wi-fi SSID, access policies can restrict guest devices from accessing a user network inside an organization’s network and thus help others use a safe network across the company.

  1. Avoid signal strengths from reaching a risky area:

It is essential to install access points outside and near the walls so that the power level reduces the chances of information leakage to a third party. This also decreases the opportunities for unauthorized access to acquire any information.

  1. Configure LAN switching ports:

While configuring the ports, security must be considered essential, and it is recommended to add a management IP address to a virtual LAN so that only authorized users have access to connect to the VLAN. Thus, decreasing the risks of cyberthreats.

  1. Employ external security tools that gives strength to the wireless networks:

It is better to deploy more security measures for a safe connection. To increase the strength of wireless networks, it is advisable to add multi-factor authentication, endpoint security, virtual private networks, firewalls, zero-trust network access, and many more security measures.

Why do businesses need a framework for a trusted wireless environment?

Businesses have shifted themselves from onsite to hybrid and remote working. With this, it has become compulsory for them to use a framework that will provide them with better security and will protect organization data from six major wi-fi threats like Evil Twin, Rogue access points, Man in Middle Wi- Fi Attacks, misconfigured access points, and ad hoc access points. It becomes quite complex for the IT administrators to manage it as they do not operate everything independently and they also take on the support of connections and networks. Therefore, Watchguard’s Trusted Wireless Environment provides guidance to businesses in achieving a secured Wi-Fi network, and this happens because TWE is based on three main pillars that ensure performance, security, and scalable management.

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